Thursday 12 June 2014

Batemans Bay to Hunter Valley

Janice – what we didn’t mention in last blog was that the drive to Batemans Bay was the loveliest so far.  It is a lovely area with many, many beaches.

Our last night at Batemans Bay we had a disrupted sleep. The beautiful day turned into fine drizzle by evening and steady rain as we went to bed. It steadily got worse and we were kept awake with torrential rain pounding on the roof. It would ease for while and then thunder down again. By morning, the campsite was awash and it was still raining. Our journey to Cataract Park Scout Camp near Appen was another wet trip and we set up camp between showers. After a trip to the local shop for supplies we stayed indoors.

It rained all night and the following morning. Janice said she wanted to visit the Blue Mountains again so we set off hoping the weather would improve. It didn’t. What do you do in the Blue Mountains in the rain? We saw a sign to the Wombeyan Caves - one way to get out of the rain. After a few kms the road turned to gravel and deteriorated. We travelled for 35k on a narrow gravel road winding its way through the mountains with steep terrain on one side and almost sheer drops on the other. Picture of rock formations prior to gravel road.


If the road can’t go over, go through.

 Hairpin bend after hairpin bend with fallen rocks littering the roadway. Just as well we had a 4WD. This section of the road took almost an hour to travel but the visit was worth it. Photo below.

 Note from Janice – every now & then I would make a squeaking noise as we precariously drove around a corner hoping no-one was coming the other way – you were supposed to sound your horn in these instances!

On arrival at the caves we discovered that the correct access road was via Goulburn on the other side of the Blue Mountains and was only a few kms off the bitumen road. Life is a learning experience. On our way back to camp the Satnav warned that the Appin Road had been closed due to a fatal accident. It diverted us but by now it was almost dark. The Satnav tried to send us via a road that was closed for roadworks and we got totally lost. We tried various ways without success and eventually found ourselves at the roadblock on the other side of Appin and the guys there took pity on us and let us through as the accident was just past the turnoff to the camp. Very frustrating.

A beautiful drive the next day into the Hunter Valley. The drive through the suburbs of Sydney was a bit challenging with the caravan on the back but Sydney drivers were very considerate. On the motorway from Sydney towards Newcastle we came across an accident where a caravan had overturned at the bottom of a steep slope. It had obviously taken control of the van towing it and pushed it around so the van was facing the opposite way and up against the barrier. Very sobering thoughts. 

It was quite warm when we arrived at the campsite in Cessnock so after setting up it was off to the vineyards. We only visited 2 and managed to load the car with 3 dozen bottles - there’s no stopping some people. We will have to be a bit more selective from now on.

Today we toured the Hunter Valley visiting a few more vineyards but only buying 14 bottles. Picture of us in the middle of the finest wine growing area in the country drinking …. COFFEE?

 Brian at the “bar’ at Pepper Tree wines.

 Off to Newcastle to stay with Phil and Kristy tomorrow.

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